Sep 2, 2007

Lacey a step ahead of global warming

Scientists warn about water troubles lying ahead if climate trends continue...
Kurt Ungur, a hydrogeologist with the state Department of Ecology, said a warmer climate likely will produce about the same amounts of precipitation — possibly a bit more — but its timing will change from historic patterns.

In winter, more precipitation will fall as rain, rather than snow, which serves as the mountain "bank" for much of the state's water supplies. In spring, warmer temperatures will bring earlier runoff, leading to potential conflicts over scarce water in late summer, he said.
...meanwhile in Lacey, which is growing like Scotch Broom:
The city is running out of water that it's authorized to pump from the ground to serve new development.

As a result, the city is charging heavy water users more money and restricting when its utility customers can water their lawns during the summer to hold down peak demand. Residents can only water their lawns three days a week, and no one can water on Fridays.

Meanwhile, the city is working with the Washington State Department of Ecology to secure additional water rights to serve new residents and businesses.
The impending crisis only magnifies Lacey's existing problems.

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