May 1, 2006

Cheer Up! Good Times Are Comin'

Emmett O'Connell notes that The (Olympia) Spar is for sale, apparently because the owner, Alan McWain, is losing too much cash on another venture, and The Spar isn't covering the losses. McWain offers explanations:
Since the year 2000, we have experienced the Nisqually Eathquake,resulting in the closure of the Fourth Avenue Bridge for three years, the 911 terrorist attacks, a slow economy and most recently the smoking ban has affected my business in particular. My business was further impacted by .08 DUI laws. My business was impacted by the increase in tobacco taxes which are 75% on cigars and $2.06 on a pack of cigarettes, while the tribal casinos pay no taxes and can sell their cigarettes for $2.50 each while my wholesadle cost is $4.47 each. My business was impacted when I-892 failed, which would have allowed The Spar electronic slot machines like the tribal casinos have. The Spar was impacted when in the last five years, the minimum wage has increased 39%. And of course initiative I-901, the smoking ban has impacted my business in a much bigger way than I could have imagined.
I used to go before the ban, suffering through the smoke to enjoy breakfast, and showering and running laundry afterward to rid myself of the stench. I loved the venue, the best spot for noisy, crowded, communal dining.

But frankly, the rest of the menu is mediocre at best, standard blah fare that you can get at Shari's. That, not any other reason, is why I haven't gone in ages. (Slot machines would have been extra motivation to dine elsewhere.)

If the business model is failing, the new owner should change the model and focus on turning the restaurant around. Good food is the requisite first step.

(Songs of the Depression here.)

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