Feb 28, 2006

resist the urge to make a blond joke

The real bombshell in this evolutionary explanation for the origin of blond hair (it has to do with mutations and estrogen levels, for what it's worth) is buried at the end:
A study by the World Health Organisation found that natural blonds are likely to be extinct within 200 years because there are too few people carrying the blond gene. According to the WHO study, the last natural blond is likely to be born in Finland during 2202.
I won't be there to mourn. First, I'll be dead, and second, I'm a sucker for pelo marrĂ³n.

Update: And third, it's a hoax, just in case sly satire has a way of slipping under your radar.


MT said...

I think it's generally blonde jokes that people make, not blond. Swedish movies are notorious for a lot of blond on blonde action, though.

Jim Anderson said...

"Blond" vs. "Blonde" is a British vs. American thing, I think.

Jim Anderson said...

Ah, so it's a French thing. Down with gendered nouns!