Jan 31, 2006

Tim Eyman is anti-gay

Not exactly.

You see, Tim Eyman isn't anti-anything. He's pro-money. And his life philosophy helps pay the bills.

What, you ask, is that weltanschauung? Simple: let the voters decide! Car tabs for hundreds, or car tabs for $35? Let the voters decide! A magical monorail or boring old buses? Let the voters decide! Snow or rain? Evolution or intelligent design? Carmel macchiato or peppermint mocha? Regular or diet? Organic or steroid-fueled? Free will or determinism? GEICO or State Farm? Spielberg or Lucas? Po-tay-to or po-taw-to? Paper or plastic? Let the voters decide!

Except for when it comes to the voters deciding that their elected representatives ought to, you know, represent them.

[fifty-third in a series]

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