May 8, 2009

Goodloe-Johnson abuses the RIF process

I'd love to hear from the attorney who advised Seattle School Superintendent Maria Goodloe-Johnston on this fascinating move.

In her letter to teachers, Goodloe-Johnston cites RCW 28A.405.210, which states in part,
In the event it is determined that there is probable cause or causes that the employment contract of an employee should not be renewed by the district for the next ensuing term such employee shall be notified in writing on or before May 15th preceding the commencement of such term of that determination, or if the omnibus appropriations act has not passed the legislature by May 15th, then notification shall be no later than June 1st, which notification shall specify the cause or causes for nonrenewal of contract. Such determination of probable cause for certificated employees, other than the superintendent, shall be made by the superintendent.
The paragraph is intended to provide Districts a means of cutting staff "due to an enrollment decline or loss of revenue."

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