May 23, 2007

Covered in Bees improv--last shows of 2006-2007

Update: The show list has been changed to reflect changes in the show list.

The South Sound's finest improv group, Covered in Bees, has just a few shows left, all at 7:00 in CHS's auditorium.

Wednesday, May 23

Friday, May 25

Wednesday, May 30

Friday, June 8

Wednesday, June 13

Friday, June 15

Cost is always $3 at the door. It's the best deal in entertainment in Olympia. I can't promise that you'll laugh uncontrollably to the point where your kidneys malfunction, but I do guarantee that members of your preferred gender will find you irresistible for at least twenty minutes after the show--provided your kidneys didn't malfunction.

Since Esa Hakkarainen, Trevor Allen, Josh Hird, and Zach Schmidtbauer are graduating, you'd better go. Soon. Tonight, even.


Captain Princess said...

Okay. You've convinced me.

Mark McLaughlin said...

I hear that Mark guy may be graduating as well.

Jim Anderson said...

That Mark guy who needs to be in more shows. What's up with that?