Jul 8, 2006

A Scanner Darkly anagram

Click "read more" for the answers.

1. Trasher of the Tedham Porterhouse legacy
2. Clinton guided by shout
3. Moldy rueben. Who's to blame?
4. Too bad, Finnish crooner makes mistake
5. Lusty whip-smart humped Tibetan bovines
6. Mrs. Ronnie's wapiti sense
7. String pushes crystal
8. Nude automobile with an attitude
9. Somehow she got the word out that McDonalds loves the trans fat

1. Dylan ransacker
2. cry led Arkansan
3. rank rye scandal
4. alack, Danny errs
5. carnal yak nerds
6. Nancy's elk radar
7. yarn deals crank
8. snarly naked car
9. sneaky lard narc

[111th in a series]

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