Jun 6, 2006

Tim Eyman jumps the shark, part II

Referendum 65 is officially kaput. I was talking with a student this afternoon about how failure seemed likely, especially after yesterday's stunt, and I noted that Eyman's antics were likely to upset his supporters. (No, Darth Eyman, people don't like being duped.) Well, surprise, surprise.
Leaders of some of the church groups who’d backed the measure, which would have vetoed a ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation, were deeply disappointed and surprised. Some said they were also unhappy at Eyman’s refusal in recent weeks to tell them how many signatures he’d gathered. In the end, the Faith and Freedom Network’s Gary Randall said, Eyman simply stopped replying to his calls.

Randall and Rick Forcier, director of the Christian Coalition of Washington, said they hope to run a ballot measure on their own.

"If it's possible, we will," said Randall. "We feel pretty deeply about this."
I'm not holding my breath.

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