May 29, 2006

all Dispatches on NPR

It's as if NPR was channeling Ed Brayton this evening. First there was a story about the follies of the Kansas School Board--first, dissing evolution in the state science standards, and now, dissing science in the state sex ed standards. Then the discussion of Fred Phelps' abominable funeral protests (Phelps had the verve to call others "demagogues.")

Then came "This I Believe."
I believe in barbecue. As soul food and comfort food and health food, as a cuisine of both solace and celebration. When I'm feeling good, I want barbecue. And when I'm feeling bad, I just want barbecue more.
(Leave it to NPR to also cover the risks.) Ed Brayton, meanwhile, was deconstructing Bravo's Top 100 Comedies.

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