Apr 29, 2006

proper attire for teaching

I'm a guy, and these tips are for guys. I won't pretend to understand women's fashion.

1. Never wear sweatpants. Ever. Not even if you're a gym coach. Sweatpants went out with--forget that. Sweatpants were never in.
2. Never, never, never, never, never, never wear sweatpants. Not ever.
3. A suit is probably pushing it. Elbow patches? Who are you, Professor 'Enry 'Iggins?
4. Jeans once a week. Maybe twice.
5. If it has a collar, it'd better come matched with an undershirt, or that top button had better be buttoned. No one wants to see your chest flora.
6. Short sleeves and ties do not mix, unless you're a history teacher doing a unit on the dawn of the Information Age.
7. Speaking of ties, ashcan at least 50% of your collection immediately. If you're not sure which should stay and which should go, bring them all into class and let your students choose. Don't be offended if no ties make the cut.
8. Smell everything you wear before you wear it. Promise me you'll do this.
9. When wearing slacks, always wear a belt.
10. Never iron jeans with a crease. I shouldn't have to tell you this.
11. Zippercheck before you leave for school. (If you live in a wintery climate, this is tough to forget.)
12. Never wear sweatpants. You think I'm joking?

[seventy-ninth in a series]


TeacherRefPoet said...

Some questions, sir:

--Should I dress up for spirit week? On Nerd Day, for instance, do I go overboard, or wear my normal clothes to get the usual comments of "I see you dressed up today, Mr. RefPoet, yuk, yuk"?

--What about Toga Day? What should I wear under the toga?

--Do I have to wear fancy shoes on non-jean days?

--Can you see the stain on my favorite purple dress shirt? I don't think you can. Seriously, can you see it? I really like purple. Please tell me you can't see it. I need you to tell me you can't see it.

Jim Anderson said...

Nerd Day? Nah, give your students a chance to make a funny. Laugh at yourself. You can cry on the inside.

Toga Day? Wear a shirt and tie underneath your getup. You'll need them when you interview for your next job, later that day.

Fancy shoes? With creased slacks, always wear fancy shoes. With flat-fronts, your call.

Purple dress shirt? A stain is the least of your problems.

Captain Princess said...

Pastel shirts? Red, yellows and oranges keep your students eyes on you after all.