Dec 13, 2005

glory in ignorance

Where else but on the letters to the editor would someone boldly proclaim their utter ignorance of all matters scientific?
For me, the current exchanges about evolution vs. intelligent design prompt a variety of questions. Admittedly, I am a dedicated believer in the intelligent design side of the topic, which is sometimes described by the scorned word "creationism."

I make little pretense of knowledge about the theory(s) of evolution. However, with that meager understanding of those beliefs, it is my conviction that evolution is only a small speck on a vastly larger topic which leads to countless crucial questions about how evolution covers:

- The origin of the 100 or so basic elements that make up all matter.

- The laws of chemistry, physics, gravity, magnetism, electricity, thermodynamics, mathematics and energy.

- The relationship of our earth to the sun and their origins.

- Why there is oxygen, water, food, soil, etc.

- Etc., etc., etc.

I realize that evolutionists may accept that all of those just happened, but for me that is far tougher to accept and/or believe than it is to see the majesty of it all (including life and the factors listed above) as having been originated and organized by a wondrous creative power (yes, our creator) over whatever time period it took.

It is ironic that schools can and do teach evolution as science and do teach about the topics listed above but must deny the word creation because it carries a huge religious stigma. Be that as it may, what a spectacular creation it was and is.

Don Hewitt, Olympia

But it's not Hewitt's first.
It is truly sad for us Christians these days that in our country, including our local communities, there are those with few if any scriptural beliefs who at times disparage us who do have such beliefs.

Even recent letters in this column have extolled evolutionist Charles Darwin and have deprecated those who believe that all creation, including mankind, has been made by a wondrous creator.

I don't pretend to know how Darwin and his believers explain the origin of the 100 or so basic elements, nor how nor why those elements and their countless combinations could only be the handiwork of a master creator, our God.

Therein rests a basis and follow-up for my spiritual beliefs in God and the trinity. For me, it stretches credulity beyond comprehension to believe that all matter and mankind could have just happened or evolved.

Also, for nonbelievers, about a creator God and the possibility of God's and Jesus' spirit being in our surrounding atmosphere, I ask: Do you believe in unseen radio signals, cell phone signals, TV signals, oxygen that you breathe, that you cannot see?

For centuries, even to this day, there have been worshipful expressions by countless faith-inspired people around the earth who know they have connected to this wondrous God and the trinity. It is a spectacular provision for mankind who believe.
How many months until the next "evolution can't explain the elements" missive?

1 comment:

MT said...

And evolution didn't come with that bamboo steamer neither.