Sep 6, 2005


School starts tomorrow. A year ago, this is what I wrote about the first week:
The first week--okay, three days, really--is over. When I get my rhythm back, I'll be blogging again on a regular basis, providing fresh insight into one microcosm of American education.

Hope wears baggy jeans and bling-bling. It sports black lipstick and purple eyeliner. It is pimply and extroverted. It is stubbly and shy. Hope slouches in the back of the room and fidgets in the front. It scribbles love notes and locker combinations. And hope preaches from a markerboard and an overhead, between the rows and behind the podium.

I love this job.
Today, hope drowns in caffeine and scrambles to put the posters up.

1 comment:

Jim Anderson said...

You're right--they text them back and forth on their cell phones.