Aug 7, 2005

no, no, keep talking

Timothy Sandefur takes flak:
I have no wish to debate you on Iraq, where you are tragically wrong and misinformed. But pray tell me why, if you think that this is such an important fight, are you working a comfortable attorney’s job in Sacramento rather than fighting in Baghdad? Are you ineligible to serve in the Army for some medical reason? Or just another objectivist coward who prefers to leave the dirty work to other people?
Sandefur's capable response includes the throwaway line, "(Now you see why I don’t open comments.)" Ah, Mr. Sandefur, but that is why you should allow comments. As it stands, the reader is allowed to remain comfortably anonymous, throwing projectiles from afar. Make the reader sign in, leave an email address or website behind, take off the cowardly mask and face criticism head-on, from all quarters.

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