We already have enough carnivals where bloggers trumpet their own work. Let's share the love. I propose a new carnival titled "smarter than I," in recognition of those who are too humble, too busy, or too shy to submit their tidbits of genius.
Submissions must not be your own. Sorry. That's what other carnivals are for. Choose the best post you've read in the past week or two, perhaps with a brief (1-2 sentence) description or shout-out. There are no other criteria--just good writing, wherever you can find it.Submissions must include the post's title along with a working link, and may include a one- or two-sentence summary. I reserve the right to edit for grammar, spelling, and clarity. If I can't accept your link, I'll be sure to let you know exactly why.
Send your entries to smarterthanI at hotmail dot com by 3 pm PST, Monday, April 4. Pass the word along, too, if you get the hankerin'.
Update: Unless I'm petitioned for an extension, I hope to have the Carnival up by Tuesday. Thanks to Mark Olson of Pseudo-Polymath for sending in the first entry. Keep 'em comin'...
Update Update: Thanks to all the bloggers who've linked to this so far (including those I've missed), and for all those who've sent in their suggestions. So far, most of the entries are from lesser-known blogs, which is exactly what I'd hoped. smarterthanI at hotmail dot com...
Update cubed:
More thanks are in order. Remember, all you have to do is send a link. That's it. I'll do all the rest of the work, at no cost or obligation to you.
smarterthanI at hotmail dot com... only seven hours remain...
Will do, if it ever gets off the ground. "Carnival of the Carnivals" is this lazy blogger's dream come true.
Brilliant idea. Count me in as a future host.
Duly noted.
Operators are standing by...
I hopw it's OK to post my entry as well as email it:
My smarterthanI entry is John Darnielle of The Mountain Goats. It was really
hard to pick an entry but I settled on this one:
He is really really brilliant.
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