Aug 26, 2004

primary colours

Disenfranchisement! Out with the incumbents, all of them! If I'm a registered Republican and want to vote for the weakest candidate for governor in the Democratic primary (you know, that vox populi where the Democrats are forced to choose whomever the populi pick, too bad, sucka?), then that is my right, as an American, and no court, local, state, federal, global, or intergalactic, can take it away from me, not even from my cold, dead, hands, locked as they are in rigor mortis, clasping that right in their American clutches! If I'm an unregistered swing voter, I want to swing both ways! I will not be cajoled into submission by patronizing radio ads! I will not have my rights stripped by judicial hippie activists! I want my blanket primary back!


Captain Princess said...

Apparently, you will. You don't have a choice.

Captain Princess said...

Dude, Mr. A if you are going to vote in America you had better start spelling color right.

That last post was also me
Aaron as Josh

Captain Princess said...

'K Aaron. That's nice.
What I want to know is how it passed in this state. Washington is the land of alternitive voters. I've met more people willing to give canidates a shakedown, and then vote 3rd party more than not. It's stupid! It's undemocratic, and to a lesser extent, unrepublican (which, my social studies teachers have all told, is what we actually are.)

Jim Anderson said...

It didn't "pass;" it was a federal court decision, following a Supreme Court precedent. It was all in the linked article. (That it wasn't voted on is why voting incumbents out of office--the response of one concerned citizen--is irrational. It wasn't their fault.)