Jun 15, 2004

America is doomed: part eighty-two

For three years of my college education, I whiled away the time (and earned a pretty penny) as a member of student government--one year as a senator, two years as student body vice president. We had one major dress code requirement: if we wanted to vote, we had to wear a tie. So, in my general spirit of contrariness, I traipsed over to the local Goodwill and loaded up on the ugliest polyester ties I could find, at a cool fitty cents a pop.

I started building up a collection, and today, as an English teacher, I carry on the tradition of wearing a tacky tie every Tuesday.

Today is the last of the Tacky Tie Tuesdays. As tradition demands, I have brought in my entire collection, allowing students to wear one during class. The gaudy hues, the motley assemblage of browns, oranges, bright pinks, reds, and yellows--a sight to make eyes sore.

Which leads me to today's topic: dressing up, or the lack thereof in American life. I don't have a strong opinion on the topic; I generally show up every day in slacks and a collared shirt, but many of my fellow teachers aren't quite so formal. My students, of course, wear whatever the dress code will let them get away with.

But look at this photo, brought to my attention by Tim Cavanaugh of Reason online. And read a selection from his comments:

Is it too much to ask that Americans try and look presentable when they show up for the President's funeral? Many times last week I heard the old chestnut about how Reagan insisted on wearing a suit whenever he entered the Oval Office. Didn't anybody notice how many of his apparent admirers seem to think Bermudas and a fanny pack are proper attire for a closed-casket viewing that's being televised around the world (even to extremists who believe our country is decadent!)?...

Isn't there a Marshalls in the nation's capital? A Ross Dress for Less? Is it really that much of a burden to pick up a coat and tie on your way to pay your last respects to a beloved president?

Sorry, Tim, but it may be too much to expect from the booboisie.

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