Apr 29, 2004

making history?

I'd like to welcome myself to the world of blogging, the internet's most useless timesuck. I've perused blogs for several months now, and only recently decided to throw my own voice into the ring. The choice of phrases is deliberate: blogs are a cross between ventriloquism and pugilism. (Mostly because they involve spats between dummies.)

The title: a word I've coined (at least, I think it's original to me--but one never knows, with memes). You know those chain restaurants--Red Robin, Chili's, Applebee's, whatever--that plaster their walls with fake old-timey posters, photos, and knickknacks? Decorative memorabilia. Decorabilia.

The title isn't significant beyond that. It's an original blog title, no more.

Oh, and I'm 25, and male, for the curious. Quite happily un-single, too.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your first post. It seems you have come a long ways since then.

Jim Anderson said...

Thanks... it's been over three years and 2500 posts since the fateful day I went forth and blogged. I still feel like the same "me," but a more confident, writerly, reflective "me."

I see you have a nascent blog, too--I hope it provides you the same insights, and, for that matter, fun.

Anonymous said...

SO, was it worth it? Having us LDers associating you with the debate god(at least at my school), having to reply to boring comments, etc?

Jim Anderson said...

It's fun. I didn't always debate-blog. My readership has grown much, much larger because of LD, which is fine by me.

It frightens me, sometimes, that I'm a nationally-known "authority" on Lincoln-Douglas debate.

Anonymous said...

Well, lets put it this way. I cited you in our example debate for the novices, and it got about half the class laughing including my coach and competitor.

nina said...

Your blog is awesome that i make decision to read it from the start.
I hope I can make history like you did too. =)