Apr 29, 2006

did you bake me a cake?

Thursday, a to-be-unnamed member of the English department told the sad, sad story of how his last birthday passed without cake, a crime against humanity. (Lest you suspect, it was not I.) Friday, we celebrated -----'s birthday in style when another kindly soul brought in a homemade cake. (Lest you suspect, it was not I.)

Today my blog turns two. Since my very first post I've written thousands of words, read thousands more, interacted daily with intelligent people (see that blogroll at right), shared triumphs and pain, learned much about myself and more about the world, and made my wife laugh many, many times. In fact, even if I blogged just for her, the way she smiles and says "you're so weird!" makes it all worthwhile.

I'm lucky, though, to have a good number of devoted readers, all sharp and witty and weird like me. Thanks for making this experience so fun.

Update: It's TRP's birthday. Go over and wish him a happy *cough* 24th *cough.*


  1. Am not. Happy Blogiversary!

  2. Happy Blogiversary!!!!

  3. Happy Blogiversary. I third that. But now I've got cake all over my monitor.

  4. Thanks, all. What's scary: in these two years are at least three or four months of nothin' but blogging. My wife, I should note, is quite charitable.

  5. Thanks for the wishes, yo.


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