Jan 8, 2009

the United States' obligation to further human rights around the globe

Regarding the current LD resolution, any affirmative looking for an actual part of U.S. law obligating the United States to set the observance of human rights as a positive goal of its foreign policy should turn to Ch. 22, US Code.
Sec. 2304. Human rights and security assistance

(a) Observance of human rights as principal goal of foreign policy; implementation requirements

(1) The United States shall, in accordance with its international obligations as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations and in keeping with the constitutional heritage and traditions of the United States, promote and encourage increased respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the world without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion. Accordingly, a principal goal of the foreign policy of the United States shall be to promote the increased observance of internationally recognized human rights by all countries....

(3) In furtherance of paragraphs (1) and (2), the President is directed to formulate and conduct international security assistance programs of the United States in a manner which will promote and advance human rights and avoid identification of the United States, through such programs, with governments which deny to their people internationally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms, in violation of international law or in contravention of the policy of the United States as expressed in this section or otherwise.
The chapter is one of the few places in United States law includes the phrase "crimes against humanity," commanding the Secretary of State to report on any potential aid recipients' participation in such crimes, among other things.


  1. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Thank you so much. That really will help my AFF. You're like Tivo and Google combined: You've figured out what everyone needs, and before they can even ask for it, you search and deliver.

    And if anyone (NEG's) needs a great quote to begin a rousing round of debate, here's one from Former U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater: “Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed.”

  2. Darn. If only I had read this before yesterday. I lost my 4th round on it.

    And I lost my 5th on the "hypothetical court".
    And that got me eliminated.

  3. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Wow! This is great! If only I had known this before my tournament last weekend - lost an important round because I couldn't really prove the U.S.'s obligation to join the ICC. Thanks!


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