Astroturf has been a verb for a while. It's nice to see that the McCain campaign has figured out a new wrinkle on the tactic: pay people to spam others' blogs with pro-McCain jibberjabber.
Darryl of Horse's Ass: Therefore, by joining in the fun, you not only spread your own philosophy of McCain and his talking points, but you earn cool stuff and help the economy by enticing the McCain staff to hire additional webmasters to wade through thousands and thousands of comment reports.
The easiest way to comment is to simply copy the talking points verbatim. But my own recommendation is this:John McCain is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
What could be more positive then that? Hundreds of thousands of times in blog comment threads across the land. Day after day.
Jesse Walker:
Interestingly, the list of suggested blogs includes several -- InstaPundit, the Club for Growth -- that do not, in fact, let readers post comments.
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