Jan 5, 2008

I, too, support Canada's national igloo

Via BoingBoing, a hilarious clip of Arkansans congratulating Canada on preserving its national igloo. At the end, a rotund Mike Huckabee shows up in the rotunda to offer felicitations. Perhaps we'll never know if he's in on the gag, but man, is he smooth.

Added: Smooth might not cut it if Chuck Norris is your point man, sounding like a floating white subliminal cross between Tom Tancredo and John Edwards.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Chuck Norris isn't any worse an endorsment then Oprah...

    And people forget Former Air Force General Chuck Yeager (remember him? Famous test pilot who broke the sound barrier in the x-1? 'nam and korea vet too?) endorses Duncan Hunter.

    --LD n00b


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