Jan 8, 2008

go ahead, ask

Tomorrow, I'll spend an evening listening to Gary Alexander, Brendan Williams, Sam Hunt, Karen Fraser, and Tim Sheldon at a union-sponsored legislative forum in Tumwater. WEA prez Mary Lindquist might make an appearance, too.

If I get the chance, I have one question for the folks in charge.
Terry Bergeson is up for reelection. Would you support a change in leadership at OSPI?
If you have some music you'd like a state muckety-muck to face, suggest a question in the comments. I'll report back later.

Update: As is sometimes my custom, I'm liveblogging the event over at 5/17.


  1. For Sheldon especially, I'd like to know what his solution to the WASL failure rate is.

    It'd also be interesting to hear where they stand on HB 2458 regarding K-3 class size. Sam Hunt is one of the cosponsors, but what of the rest?

  2. If no one asks about it, I will. I'm taking notes right now.


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