Nov 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

My wife and I are spending Thursday with my side of the family, and then hosting her side on Saturday. Big hugs, big meals, big laughs so far, and plenty more to come. (Heard from the bro, too. Always a good thing.) Today, when I'm not sneaking glances at the football game on the TV, or looking up electric razors, or gnawing on turkey bones, I'm writing up National Board analyses and letters of recommendation.

With a belly full of pie and a heart full of love, I pause to thank you, gentle reader, for reading, lurking, or, better yet, sharing your insights and criticism. I'm a wiser man because of it.

Pie is calling again. Later when I'm fatter.


  1. Anonymous4:15 PM

    "Fatter," Jim? Really?....I mean come on. :)
    Love you. It was good to see you yesterday.

  2. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Oh and that was from your little sister. I forgot to sign my name :) :)


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