Aug 24, 2007

is your school on the list?

The Adequate Yearly Progress preliminary results are out. Six schools have moved off the list; I can imagine the back-slapping that'll fill their LIDs next week. Dozens more, though, joined it.

In my county, one district--North Thurston--hasn't met its NCLB-mandated goals.

How about you?


  1. We made the list. Grrr!

  2. It's fascinating to me how many alternative schools are on the list. If the state, KIPP, or the feds think they can do better with those kids, be my guest.

  3. Four years ago I contended that our school would never leave the list. We'll see how that goes. If the magic education pill is out there, why don't they share it now?

  4. Both of our alternative schools are on the list too, and my HS is on there for the first time also. I'll hope we have a great group of sophomores this year.


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