May 23, 2007

Covered in Bees improv--last shows of 2006-2007

Update: The show list has been changed to reflect changes in the show list.

The South Sound's finest improv group, Covered in Bees, has just a few shows left, all at 7:00 in CHS's auditorium.

Wednesday, May 23

Friday, May 25

Wednesday, May 30

Friday, June 8

Wednesday, June 13

Friday, June 15

Cost is always $3 at the door. It's the best deal in entertainment in Olympia. I can't promise that you'll laugh uncontrollably to the point where your kidneys malfunction, but I do guarantee that members of your preferred gender will find you irresistible for at least twenty minutes after the show--provided your kidneys didn't malfunction.

Since Esa Hakkarainen, Trevor Allen, Josh Hird, and Zach Schmidtbauer are graduating, you'd better go. Soon. Tonight, even.


  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Okay. You've convinced me.

  2. I hear that Mark guy may be graduating as well.

  3. That Mark guy who needs to be in more shows. What's up with that?


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