Dec 24, 2006


Watch out where you aim your spiritual weapons: you just might end up in the line of fire.
In an e-mail to supervisors, the male co-worker said he was invited to witness the praying and cleansing but became uncomfortable when Shatkin began to chant loudly and rub perfumed oil on the absent co-worker's cubicle wall.

The man quoted Shatkin as praying, "You vicious evil dogs. Get the hell out of here in the name of Jesus. ... I command you to leave."
The only ones leaving: Shatkin and her female co-prayer-warrior. Both were fired for creating a "hostile work environment" and appropriating university property. They're now suing, claiming religious discrimination because no one warned them they could be axed if they were loony.

1 comment:

  1. What am I, the Dear Abby of theological conundrums? (The answer to your question is "yes.")


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