Sep 10, 2006

"Superman Guy rally" falls short, "rally hair" wins it

Last night the M's beat the Rangers in thirteen, after J.J. Putz blew a save Guardado-style by giving up a solo shot on a 9th-inning two-out 3-2 count to Gary Matthews. Our boys put up baserunners in every successive inning, but couldn't get a clutch hit to win it until Jose Lopez, who had struggled early, knocked a single into left center with the bases loaded. (Kudos to Emiliano Fruto for a solid Moyeresque effort to earn the win.)

As my wife and I watched, several attempts failed to charge up the players and the crowd. First it was the clapping scene from Hoosiers. Then the "Win" scene from Rocky. Then the "not in our house" scene from Rudy. Irish music prompted a "rally jig," and the dorky dancing of a hilariously dorky guy in the cheap seats led to a "Superman Guy rally." Nothin'.

But then the camera panned to these two high school girls with their hair done straight up in freaky bouffants, and the next thing you know, the Rangers walk two, Navarro lays down a sweet bunt, Johjima walks, and Lopez bashes the game winner.

Two of the three games we've gone to this season have ended with a win in extras after a ninth-inning two-out two-strike solo shot. As we walked down Royal Brougham to our distant free parking, we passed by the Rally Hair Girls. "Thanks for your rally hair," I said, and they laughed.

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