Sep 3, 2006

preliminary Labor Day weekend wrapup

1. This blog isn't going to become the Cha Seung Baek Chronicles, but it's worth mentioning that the Mariners are 3-0 in his last three starts, including their first road victory in 13 attempts. The M's tried to lose every way they could, with a shaky bullpen performance by Pineiro and Sherrill (God help us if this is the future of Mariners relief) and the Devil Rays' first-ever triple play at Florida Orange Juice Field. "Bright Spot Baek" was solid, going 6.2 innings, one run, four strikeouts.

2. Yesterday we visited the farm as we always do on this hallowed weekend. The theme was Proverbs 26:11, which I saw played out in its literal analogue three times. The farm matron had thrown turkey soup on the compost pile, leaving it to bake in the sun. The older, wiser dogs nibbled at the edges, while the younger dogs scarfed it wholesale, then spent the rest of the afternoon redepositing it in various locations. Wanna know what partially digested turkey soup looks like? Yep. Turkey soup.

3. Today we head to Algona Pacific to help paint a friend's house, while tomorrow is prep-for-school, capping the Labor Day weekend with labor. Fun will be preserved for next weekend, since we have tickets to the M's-Rangers game, and for the weekend after, when we're going to watch the (hapless) Cougs take on Baylor at Qwest Field with some very special people. More later.

Enjoy what remains of your holiday.

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