Aug 13, 2006

OSD may join lawsuit against state

Just back from a road trip, only to learn that the OSD budget, up for vote this Monday, contains an interesting new wrinkle: funding to join a lawsuit.
Olympia School Board President Russ Lehman has proposed earmarking $5,000 in district dollars each of the next two years to join a coalition of teachers and school districts across Washington that is prepared to sue the state if lawmakers don't set aside as much money as they think is needed for schools.

"I think we need to articulate to all Olympia School District taxpayers that we're doing everything we can to access the resources that we need to provide the highest quality education for our students," Lehman said.

The coalition is monitoring the work of Washington Learns - a group of committees authorized in 2005 by the Legislature to study the state's education system.

Washington Learns' recommendations for changes could be one factor in whether the coalition of school districts and teachers decides to sue. Washington Learns is set to make a preliminary report in November and a final report in 2007.
The lawsuit isn't news, on the media radar since at least last October, but OSD's consideration--backed by the WEA--certainly is. Here's hoping they find it in their budget to take a stand for the funding schools deserve.

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