Jul 26, 2006

slippery slope noted, ignored

Joseph Fuiten, a Bothell pastor, claimed back in November:
"There's no such thing as de-facto parent; you're either a parent or you aren't.... They've changed the definition of parents today; they'll change the definition of marriage tomorrow."
So much for that. Next fallacy, please?


  1. You're back just in time for the political shitfit everyone is throwing in result of this ruling.

    Read the opinions yet?

  2. Scanned the decision, read a few quick analyses. My initial impression: electing judges is a crock.

  3. Eh, they made the right decision for the most part with the law concerned. That said, the election debate is a legitimate one.

    http://videsupra.blogspot.com - see what I have to say. Grade nice ;)

    Beautful pictures (especially flattery) btw.

  4. I'm not impressed by the court's rational basis review. which I'll discuss momentarily.


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