Jul 20, 2006

Jesus sends out his twelve games

Matthew 10:43-48

43 After he had sent out the twelve disciples, Jesus turned to the games gathered around him and spoke, saying, 44 "Go, therefore, and make merry the minds of men. Bring joy and delight to children, and bemused smiles to their mothers' faces. Fill up the hours of the elderly, the inmates, the road-trippers. 45 Many will be bored by you and seek amusement elsewhere, but you must not let their weariness and ennui get you down. 46 For others, you will cause long arguments and set brother against brother and nerd against nerd. But great will be your reward for doing my Father's work."

After he had finished, Jesus blessed them, 47 and sent them into the lands surrounding Jerusalem. The names of the games were Connect Four, Scrabble, Chess, Checkers, Cranium, Pinochle, Texas Hold 'em, 48 Air Hockey, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Trivial Pursuit 90s Edition, Backgammon, and Tic-Tac-Toe.

[112th in a series]

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