Jul 11, 2006

do as I say, and only in English

Via Nick Gillespie, we learn of Steve Lonegan, mayor of Bogota, NJ, who is offended by a Spanish-language sign.
Mayor Steve Lonegan said the McDonald's billboard on River Road near Elm Avenue and the railroad overpass is offensive because it sends the message that Spanish speakers and immigrants do not need to learn how to speak English.

"English is the language that binds us as a community and as a country," Lonegan said Thursday. "This billboard says, 'You Hispanics can't learn English, so we're going to put up this sign.' It's really sending the wrong message."
Minor problem: on the left hand side of Bogota, NJ's municipal website, far below Lonegan's photo, is a funny little graphic.

How thoughtful--a newcomer can read the city's website in Chinese, German, Japanese, Korean, French, Italian, Portuguese, or... Spanish.

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