Jul 14, 2006

adieu, adieu, to you and you and you-u

Tonight, around 7:00, my wife and I will join her family in Tacoma and depart from there to the sunny shores of Sheridan, Wyoming, caravanning all night and much of the day. Sheridan's just the first stop en route to Chicago and even more in-laws, many of whom I've never met.

Consequently, blogging will be light to nonexistent for the next two weeks. I'll try to squeeze in a trip report whenever I can find internet access. In the meantime, enjoy the archives, or look at that list of fine blogs to the right. I especially recommend Peter Wall's Res Ipsa Loquitur. His posts are insightful and well-written, and he deserves a wider hearing.

So long, readers. Revel in the hiatus.

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