Jun 14, 2006

WASL scores in students' hands

(Actual conversation.)

Student: I passed everything but the writing test.

Me: Are you joking? You're a perfectly capable writer.

Student: I made up my own writing prompt.

Me: Why would you do that?

Student: [smiling] I just wanted to.

Me: You just wanted to take the WASL again?

Student: I have summer school anyway. Might as well have something to work toward.

1 comment:

  1. Oh. My. God.

    Back in the winter, before my very limited WASL prep period with the kids, I told them that if a very very very low number (which I'll keep private) didn't pass reading and writing, I'd have a pizza party for them. And if a very very very very very low number didn't pass, I'd pay for the pizza. I intentionally picked a target number that I didn't think they had a snowball's chance in hell of reaching.

    Much to my delight, I'm researching how I can feed 107 kids pizza for cheapest. (Costco, I'm told.)

    Yes, I'm happy for the kids, but I still maintain this don't mean much.


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