Jun 7, 2006

today's spam poem

...comes at a bad time. The announcement prefacing the gibberish:
- Your USD 888 BONUS!
- Freeplay non limit
- 70+ ANY games
Alas, gambling away your life savings (or even a penny) is now an "unranked" felony in Washington state.
"I think the government has a lot more important things to do than to worry about online poker," says Bob Holley after winning a hand at poker at a local casino.
With that in mind, today's poem considers the greatest gamble of all. No, not love.

one more free

The car slips into the spot ahead
like a friendly gopher snake.
Scanning the side street with a telescope,
Dr. Mahseredjian, Armenian, psychology faculty,
molds a hare-mad strategy.
Left signal: bluff.
Duck right into the last space as
driver behind flips goose.

One more inference a theory makes.

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