May 29, 2006

English teachers: help needed

TRP, working on his NBPTS, will soon have to write an exam question about a universal theme and connect it to a "non-print text." He's calling upon readers to join the "Help TRP Pass the NBPTS Test Movie Discussion Club." First official entry is on Pleasantville, which I haven't seen... but maybe you have. Click over and join in.

In other news, area English teachers have the assistance of paid readers who evaluate (and possibly grade) mountains of essays. I may have more thoughts on this later. Right now I have my own papers to grade.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:25 PM

    You should see -Pleasantville-. Very underrated flick, I think--loads to think about, but wrapped up in a fun package. Plus you get to look at Reese Witherspoon for a couple of hours.

    Thanks for the props. Everyone--not just English teachers--please get on board. I'm essentially asking for a little help heading in. And all the cool kids are doing it.


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