Feb 13, 2006

speaking of skepticism...

Respectful Insolence has a brand new home. Update links and drop by for a visit. Cranks beware.


  1. Thank you for your well written articles. I do venture onto your site regularly to learn and enjoy what you have to share.

    However, with this latest piece; I followed your link to appreciate what was written there- and I must disagree.

    Due to my personal dealings with "Modern" medicine, and their beliefs and disbeliefs, when it comes to treatment- I am more inclined to lean toward Holistic treatment these days.

    Here is the thought behind the previous statement, the research involved in "Natural" healing is older, more acquainted with patient care and less political, than "Modern" medicine as demonstrated by the link. I have experience a simple fracture and the practitioners of"Modern" medicine have determined they can not help. This includes bone grafting. The "Natural" practitioners have ideas, that have been around for thousand's of years. I will see if these work.

    I guess the question at hand is, "Who would you rather work on your injuries?"

    Meanwhile, "Modern" research can have all the meetings and councils they wish- to recreate money gaining methods. I think the article, in the link you have provided, did a very good job to illustrate the concepts, ideals, and focus of "Modern" medical Research- the gain and loss of Money to the individual.

    I thank you for your thoughts. I have been entertained, and learned, from your previous postings; unfortunately, I just had to comment on this particular piece.


  2. Reach,

    I appreciate your comments, though I disagree somewhat. I don't think there has to be a strict either-or between "modern" and "ancient" medicine--witness the use of acupuncture in successful pain treatments. I take after Dr. Oliver Sacks in this respect, viewing the treatment of disease as, first and foremost, the treatment of a person.

    But there are charlatans and con artists out there who deceive and steal from patients, offering hopes of miraculous cures for, you guessed it, their hard-earned cash. The history of medicine is chock-full of crackpottery and outright fraud.

    The attitude that makes me dubious of much alternative medicine is the common cure-all approach. At least those "modern" doctors didn't lie to you and tell you they could effect an impossible cure.

    My own recent struggles with my inner workings cast light on this issue. My doctor can't figure out a diagnosis, and I'm left to research for myself, fill in the gaps, try "natural" treatments if they work. "Modern" medicine is yet imperfect--but I'll take its track record against the world's ailments, the increased lifespan, in addition to the benefits of a holistic approach. No either-or necessary.

    I'm heartened to see your criterion is "if it works." You're going in aware, which is more than many can say.

    Orac warns people of the misleading, baseless, or fraudulent claims that cranks use to prey upon the unhealthy. That's why I gladly link to his site.

  3. Jim,
    As previously stated, I do come here to learn. While my education is in the science world, I do know that I do NOT know. The best I can do, is to listen and think. This is why I appreciate you page.

    After reading your response (either-or), and reviewing the fore-mentioned, I feel that my thought process of the writtings have changed, as with my opinion. A new light has appeared.

    But, hey, is that not the purpose we are here for- to discuss, evaluate and learn? Well, that is why I am here with an open mind.

    Again, thank you



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