Dec 11, 2005

If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all.

My wife is watching Bambi.

End of story.


  1. Bambi Meets Godzilla --- a timeless classic.

  2. Are you actually inviting the blogosphere to be your hit men? You want us to comment on the fact that your wife is watching Bambi? I'm sorry, I can't participate in this.

  3. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I ask simply, "Why?"

  4. mark, can't find it on Netflix. Darn.

    murky, heavens no. Whatever would give you that idea?

    thetachyix, I answer simply, "Why not?"

  5. Jim,
    It's a two to four minute short film. I think it's included in some short film compilations. It might be on the same tape/dvd as "Pork Lips Now" a spoof of Coppola's Apocalypse Now".


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