Nov 10, 2005

God to Pat Robertson: Shut up.

Ed and PZ are on it. Pat Robertson just can't remember the sage advice his mama told him--"Zip it, cretin"--and has to go on blabbering nonsense:
“I’d like to say to the good citizens of Dover. If there is a disaster in your area, don’t turn to God, you just rejected Him from your city. And don’t wonder why He hasn’t helped you when problems begin, if they begin. I’m not saying they will, but if they do, just remember, you just voted God out of your city. And if that’s the case, don’t ask for His help because he might not be there.”
Earlier today, responding to a complaint that Intelligent Design is rejected by the closed-minded, I wrote,
If ID is truly designer- (or designers-) neutral, its proponents need to adopt neutral language. Otherwise, they'll continue to have an uphill battle convincing non-Christians that ID isn't just creationism in disguise.
Apparently they'll have to muzzle Pat Robertson, too.


  1. Unlike Pat Robertson, I would not wish pain on anyone--not even on him.

    But man, wouldn't it have been cool on so many levels if a ceiling beam had fallen on him and broken his femur while he was saying that?

  2. Watch the 700 Club and see if Pat happens to squirm unnaturally in his seat. Sometimes, God sends hemorrhoids.

  3. Pat Robertson seems hopelessly stuck in some kind of Old Testament belief. He does not seem to understand at all the teaching of Jesus. Nonetheless, God wouldn't try to shut him up because he has lessons to learn just like the rest of us, and what better way to learn a lesson than to make a fool of oneself?

  4. I'm very happy to see the point about lack of neutral language in the ID movement posted here; among my many objections to ID, this may possibly be the strongest -- I'm just not convinced that this effort by the Christian right isn't ultimately motivated by the desire to get a foot in the door to eventually teach their theological claims in public schools.

    If I weren't personally opposed to committing murder, if I didn't have terrible hand-eye coordination, and if I owned a shotgun, Pat Robertson would have been out of everyone's hair LONG ago. When I read posts like this, I'm almost sad those intervening factors have prevented that happy state of affairs. (Almost.)


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