[I was about to delete this remark, but then the second remark below would no longer make sense. I don’t have any more affection for Mooney than you do. But staying on topic and forgoing the name-calling is a more effective strategy for defeating people like Mooney. –WmAD]Isn't this the same Dembski who called Darwinists "maculinity-threatened?"
Or "Darwhiners?" Note the prescient comment by one "eswrite," and the response by none other than PaV.
All of this name calling adds to a great deal of unproductive vitriol. IDiots vs. Darwhiners, Cretinists vs. Darwimpians. How does any of this advance public discourse?Dembski also called Mark Perakh "The Boris Yeltsin of Higher Learning" (which, I admit, may or may not be an insult; someone help me understand what it means).
Comment by eswrite — June 6, 2005 @ 1:30 pm
I don’t know about public discourse, but it is a lot of fun.
Comment by PaV — June 9, 2005 @ 4:27 am
I don't know what it means, but it's still funny!
ReplyDeleteBut I wonder of Dembski... "does he even understand the relevant Russian socio-political context?" =)