Jun 19, 2005

Dover over?

If you've been following the Dover ID case, you'll definitely want to read Ed Brayton's take on a new wrinkle.

Oh, and past differences aside, I completely agree with Dembski on this point:
While Dembski said he disagrees with many aspects of Darwinism, “there is still a long way at hammering out ID as a full-fledged research program. That said, there is nobody I know that says intelligent design should be mandated. I think this is the problem with Dover. It’s not a way you build consensus and help education along.”

Update: Welcome, readers of The Panda's Thumb. Other posts you might be interested in, all related to Intelligent Design: a moment of truth, information please, and pro-neo-darwinism. (There's actual content in those posts.)

Update Update: The conflict between the Thomas More Law Center and the Discovery Institute that will likely sink the case, according to Brayton, apparently runs pretty deep.

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