May 22, 2005

Oliver! and consciousness raising

Oliver! is...

triumphant despite its bleakness
cheery in a dingy, very British way
a palatably disturbing call to class warfare and critique of the reigning capitalist paradigm
not as dark as Dickens
a period piece that transcends both time and genre
a musical with guts
a hodgepodge songfest populated with unsavory characters
the Fagin Agoniste
acres and acres of saccharine
the must-see movie of 1968 after Planet of the Apes, Night of the Living Dead, The Producers, Romeo and Juliet, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Yellow Submarine
a movie I haven't seen in a great, great while

[first in a series]


  1. Are you a poet because your grammatically challenged? I like your site very much.

    I am on a blogging safari, so if we are to meet again please post on my site.

  2. Anonymous12:37 AM

    This man taught me that that "your" is a possessive pronoun while "you're" indicates that you possess or are certain adjectives.

  3. michelle: Usually I'm pretty decent with grammar, but much worse as a poet.

    If you're on a safari, think of this blog as one of those knickknack tourist-trap shops by the oasis. Thanks for stopping by.

    thetachyix: I taught you that? I must have been in rare form.


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