May 27, 2005

Jesus sends out the twelve

I am leaving for the weekend, once again daring to sleep with the ducks. Happy Memorial Day.

In my absence, check out some of my (life-less?) neighbors, and send in an entry to the next smarter than I. Because of the long weekend, I'll take them until Monday evening. Just email a link or two (and a blurb, if you want) to

smarterthani AT hotmail DOT com

or, even easier, use this handy-dandy automatic form.

Two days without blogging. Will I survive? Stay tuned...

Update: When the shaking and the headaches subsided, I relaxed and enjoyed a pleasant weekend eating too much meat and drinking too much Pepsi. Highlights included two perfect digs in a pickup volleyball game, five straight soccer goals against two limber Pele wannabes, and a crushing defeat of the same two adolescents in consecutive badminton matches. "You're conceited," one of the teenagers complained after the second embarrassment. "Comes with the win-loss record," I replied. (Props to my brother Matt for helping me hone my skills over the past few summers.)

I'm still taking entries for smarter than I #5.

[fourteenth in a series]

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