Feb 16, 2005

Bloggers Move On


CHICAGO -- Having annihilated mainstream journalism, bloggers are moving on to different targets. Sources at several high-rated blogs reveal that school newspapers, zines, Christmas cards, office memos, and take-home essays are being exposed as hollow agitprop produced by incompetent hacks.

"Midwestern Central High's Odyssey-Picayune had better watch out," claims Christopher Pinksmith of RockingTheBloat, corresponding by email. "Their recent series on fashion trends and tips included an egregious factual error about tube socks, which everyone knows were never as big as Hammer Pants."

Pinksmith also cites Teresa Mooney's ranDumb ThotZ (circulation 26), a semi-bi-annual 'zine published on her decade-old laser printer. "She mixes fonts like they're Halloween candy," Pinksmith complains. "You can't use Palatino and Zapf Chancery in the same lede. It's disgusting."

"The war on the MSM is over," notes Kirsten Panetta, a former media analyst who busses tables at a local Sizzler. "First Rather, then Eason Jordan... After the simultaneous resignation of every major reporter in the country, there was simply nothing left to criticize. Rather than become the new face of journalism, bloggers went micro."

Jonathan Yardley of Kringlehack, a Christmas card watchdog site, points to his desktop background, a .jpg reproduction of the McIlvaney Epistle. "The McIlvaneys are nice people, don't get me wrong," Yardley says. "But when they claimed their October Hawaii trip was 'the best ever,' they failed to provide any relevant documentation. And that photo [of the beach at sunset] is obviously staged--maybe even Photoshopped."

Yardley chafes at the suggestion that his work isn't constructive: "Hey, someone has to hold the minor media accountable. And that person happens to be me."

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