Sep 3, 2004

the Chosen One

Usually I pass over The Nation, preferring moderation and solid prose to anti-Bush screeds. (Not that they're unjustified, but wacked-out extremist ranting in the defense of liberty is no virtue.) But this essay by David Corn sums up the RNC quite nicely:
The obvious question: will the Protector-as-Missionary bit sell? Will voters hear the term "liberty century" and be moved? Or will they ask, is that the name of a new car? It's one thing to turn a lemon (a messy war now considered a mistake by a majority of Americans) into lemonade. But can Bush turn that lemon into blessed wine?
Bush continually forgets that he was elected in the democratic*, not the Calvinist, sense of the word.

*You know why there's an asterisk here, don't you?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Hey, the American people are safer because of that asterisk.


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