Aug 20, 2004


From a recent press conference:

THE PRESIDENT: Let me tell you something. Part of the tax relief for small businesses was not just cutting the rates. We also incentivized people to buy equipment. In other words, if he bought equipment, he got a little extra help in the tax code.

There is no end to the Bushism phenomenon. At least, until November.

(And hey: I scooped Weisberg!)

Update: each speech Bush gives is a goldmine of rhetorical bungling. Another example:
We don't need as many troops stationed overseas anymore because the Soviet era is no longer a threat.
More to follow, I'm sure.

Second update: Bush isn't the first to use "incentivized." It's originally attributed the great orator Dick Gephardt. The Prez is in distinguished company.


  1. Anonymous12:32 PM

    So...(I can't read Bushisms and follow them)...but what I think he is saying is that...if one business owner buys more stuff, then he/she saves more money. On "tax relief." (tax break???) I presume that is some sort of tax break...
    Why not just buy the materials one needs and not buy extra for the tax relief? I can see situations where one might need to juggle money in that fashion...but it doesn't seem that practical if one wants to save. Money. I think.

  2. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Additionally: My brother pointed out the "chicken or egg" senario proposed by the quotation. I am no longer boggled at the meaning. I think.

  3. The word "incentivized" is the Bushism, although it's not original to him. (I'll post an update.)


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