Aug 17, 2004

more about free will

I read this article with interest, given a previous discussion on the topic, and in the process, discovered a blog devoted to nothing but "Agency Theory, including related issues in Philosophy of Action, Moral Psychology, Metaphysics and Ethics," called The Garden of Forking Paths. Well worth your time, and now on the blogroll.


  1. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I've watched your blog for some time now... Always an interesting read. =)

    Given your interest in philosophical weblogs, you should check out David Chalmers' directory. He's a sort of omnicompetent guy, so it stays well-updated with promising newcomers:

    Of particular note are:

    Prosblogion (Phil of Religion), Garden of Forking Paths (Action Theory), Pea Soup (Ethics), Certain Doubts (Epis.), and Jeremy Pierce's Parablemania (Christian grad student in Syracuse's phil program, writes about politics and phil of religion)

    And, of course, if you care at all about grad studies in philosophy (or stopping creationists in their tracks ;-) ), be sure to read Brian Leiter. =)


  2. Thanks for the kind words. (I have no idea how many people actually read this blog; only two comment regularly, and I don't track statistics.) I've browsed past Chalmer's blog before--I think that's how I ended up at Forking the Lawn of Truth. Any time I blog about something, I dig around and discover that it's already been blogged about by someone far smarter.

    I'll be in sad shape once the school year starts, and my free time disappears.

    By the way, is this you?

  3. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Yes (six months ago). =)


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