Aug 27, 2004

the last Keyes post. maybe.

Writing for The New Republic, Sasha Issenberg finally discovers the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain of Alan Keyes' baffling Senate run.
But to the swing-state religious conservatives whose non-participation torments Rove, Keyes is one of the most capable messengers for Bush's cause. He's the political equivalent of a dog-whistle, reaching only those who would heed his urgent call. If Bush wins Iowa, Wisconsin, and Missouri on the strength of high turnout among religious conservatives in counties that border Illinois, then Alan Keyes--a disastrous Senate candidate who may take other Illinois Republicans down with him--will be able to return to Maryland having finally won an election.

I have a hard time believing that Keyes is a witting suicide candidate, or that the Illinois GOP is really willing to sacrifice votes just to put Bush back in office. But it's an explanation, at least.

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