Aug 13, 2004

a class act

Mike Price of Arizona State University has a new blog, The Darwinian Project, which exists to "cut through the rhetoric and traditionalist propaganda and discover, as best we can, the truth of the matter." His blog is in its nascent stages, but has great potential.

Not only that, but Price isn't above correcting himself when he's misinformed. That, in the blogosphere or anywhere else, is classy. So he's earned respect--and a permanent link.


  1. congrats on making it on to his blog. : ) moving outside the "decorabilia-mere-orthodoxy" world! : )

  2. Baby steps... baby steps...

  3. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Which is probably for the best, given your stature.

    I kid. I kid.

  4. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Rather disputable.


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